Boat Handling Tuition

Wanting to improve on your boating skills? Just a few things you would like to know how to do better? No stress, we can help. Here are some examples of how we can assist.

– Basic and advanced boat handling.
– Approaching and departing a jetty or pier.
– Launching and retrieval.
– Safety Procedures.
– Handling rough weather.
– Customised training to your needs.

Training can be 1 on 1 or as a group. There is no assessment or testing.

Training is a per hour basis.

We can offer familiarisation type voyages such as navigating the river day or night, voyages to Rottnest and more.

Note: Volunteer Sea Rescue Organizations offer familiarization type voyages and convoys at certain times of the year and ask only for a small donation. Check with your local VSSR group for more info.

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